Transaction Network Services (Ƶapp) announced today that has awarded Ƶapp’ Enterprise Product Suite – which includes Ƶapp Enterprise Authentication and Spoof Protection and Ƶapp Enterprise Branded Calling – a 2024 Visionary Spotlight Award for Best Emerging Technology Breakthrough.

The onslaught of robocalls, particularly spoofed calls, poses significant challenges to channel partners – CCaaS, CPaaS, SBC providers, and resellers – delivering omni-channel technology solutions to enterprises and contact centers. These spam and scam attacks can tarnish brand reputation, diminish the customer experience and reduce trust in the voice channel, all of which threaten an enterprise’s bottom line.

Ƶapp Enterprise Authentication and Spoof Protection can help channel providers and enterprise contact centers improve the customer experience by ensuring only authenticated calls reach end recipients and by providing real-time reporting on spoofing activities to mitigate robocalls. At the same time, Ƶapp Enterprise Branded Calling enables channel providers to present rich brand information on incoming call screens, so call recipients have a better sense of who is calling and are more willing to answer the phone.

“A Visionary Spotlight Award for Ƶapp’ Enterprise Product Suite validates the impact of call authentication and branded calling as part of a broader channel partner CX offering,” said Denny Randolph, President of Ƶapp Communications Market. “While robocalls have eroded trust in the voice channel, our solutions empower enterprise contact centers to more effectively engage customers and restore confidence in outbound communications, while protecting brand reputation from the negative impact of scammers and spoofers.”

Channel Vision Magazine’s annual Visionary Spotlight Awards competition highlights channel and service provider innovation in communications. The awards honor outstanding products, services and deployments across numerous categories.

To learn more about Ƶapp’ Enterprise Product Suite, visit

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Ƶapp Enterprise Branded Calling helps improve call answer and conversion rates, achieve better call durations and gives you a competitive advantage. Fill out this short form for more information from a Ƶapp representative about how branded caller ID can help you and your business succeed.

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